
© Francisco Welter-Schultes, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
St Pancras Enhancement Study
HS1 invites proposals for a design and operational concept feasibility study for a reconfigured ground floor for increased capacity of the International Zone at St Pancras.
HS1 Ltd has the 30-year concession to own, operate and maintain High Speed 1 (HS1), the UK's only high-speed railway, as well as the stations along the route: St Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International.
International rail services are currently provided by Eurostar who have expressed an aspiration to grow their passenger volumes from 19m today to 30m by 2030 across their network. To support these growth aspirations, HS1 has commissioned an initial feasibility study to explore a) the likely future passenger numbers that will need to be accommodated in the international part of St Pancras station and b) the required spatial and operational changes that will be necessary to unlock the required capacity.
This initial work has identified that expansion is feasible. HS1 is now ready to progress to design and operational concept feasibility stage (RIBA2) to design, deliver and operationalise a reconfigured ground floor operation of the International Zone delivering a significant uplift in passenger capacity that meets forecast requirements until at least 2035 and potentially 2040.
The end output of Project Phase 2 can be described as:
• An International Zone operation capable of handling and processing up to 5,000 passengers in a rolling 60-minute period and;
• An International Zone that has the appropriate facilities and operating model to accommodate at least one new international operator;
• A First in Class station and customer experience
Tender Portal
Tender Stage
12 February 2025, 12:00 noon (local time)
Consultant Team
Spatial Planner
Project Manager
Structural Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Fire Safety Engineer
Sustainability Associate
Heritage Associate
Planning Associate
Quantity Surveyor
Customer Experience Lead or Customer Journey Lead
Construction Engineer
Construction Phasing Consultant
Data Analyst
Operational Expert
Spatial Planner
Project Manager
Structural Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Fire Safety Engineer
Sustainability Associate
Heritage Associate
Planning Associate
Quantity Surveyor
Customer Experience Lead or Customer Journey Lead
Construction Engineer
Construction Phasing Consultant
Data Analyst
Operational Expert
Submission Criteria
Tenderer Information
Exclusion Declarations
Professional and Technical Ability
£5m PII
Equality Policy
Environment, Social and Governance
Health and Safety Statement
Quality Assurance
Data Protection Policy