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Beedier provides up to the minute information, research, and news relating to business development, communications, and marketing for architects. With our expert help you will stay informed, save time and never miss an opportunity.


Building the Ultimate Bid Vault

If there’s one thing that makes bidding for architectural projects easier, it is having a great bank of resources in your library. Expert bidding professional Mary Sweeting talks us through the process of building the ideal vault of resources, and some of the current digital tools that are using AI to help with the flow of information>

Making a case for architectural illustration as a storytelling tool

London design studio dMFK understand the important of the image - and Beedier speaks to their in-house architectural illustrator Maxim Tooker about the ongoing relevance of the human hand and eye>

The word on the street from a new generation of Zoomer marketers

Sam Watson of The Agenzy is Gen Z, and he is not impressed by your digital marketing strategies. What do young Zoomer professionals working with architectural clients, fresh on the scene, have to offer old heads like us? New ways of thinking, technical savviness and fresh confidence? Let's hear him out>

Tussell provides a snapshot of the UK public sector architecture market

The public sector represents a multi-billion market for architectural firms. Whether you're a seasoned pro in this field, or a relative newcomer, turning to the data to properly understand the state of play is key if you're looking to expand your business with government. >

Modern Buildings Blackheath and Greenwich: the making of an architecture book

Blackheath based architect Ana Francisco Sutherland has authored a comprehensive new book on the history of modern buildings in her area. Beedier talks to her about the project and the logistical and expectational steps required to see a project like this to fruition>

Grenfell: from post-war slum, to municipal utopianism, and tragic regeneration

With the publication of the Grenfell Enquiry Phase 2 Report this week, Beedier reflects on this terrible episode of urban development, with a look at the history of urban development on the site and the voices of the architects involved>

The Regenerative Architecture Index

A collaboration between Architecture Today and UK Architects Declare, the Regenerative Architecture Index sets out to benchmark progress in the move towards regenerative practice - the launch event on 12 September promises to be the architectural networking event of the month>

How architecture firms can create value through digital marketing

Seasoned built environment marketing consultant, Ayo Abbas, provides a concise overview of current technological trends and values that will help guide your architectural digital marketing strategy>


Beedier's Best of Instagram

We review the feeds of the top architects in the UK and Ireland and repost the images and videos that we consider benchmarks

Hackney based OEB Architects was formed in 2018 by friends Tessa Baird and David Eland. We love the brightness of this house extension development model, and the fact that they have given credit to their sumer work experience student who helped make it.⁠
Reposted from @oebarchitects - always with permission⁠.⁠
"Elevation treatment responding to a series of client references showing their love of timber panelling. It accentuates key features of a traditional timber elements; the sash window, the porch and the plinth, working with a slipped form to create a contemporary addition to an East London terrace. ⁠
We were very happy to welcome @b3yzagorur to the studio for two weeks work experience this summer after her first year @uniofbatharch, who assisted project lead Dominic (@arch___ive) with the development of the model and initial designs."⁠
#architecture #londonarchitecture #domesticarchitecture #residentialdesign #extensions #timber #timbercladding #panelling #timberpanelling #paintedtimber #architecturalmodel #scalemodel⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

Hackney based OEB Architects was formed in 2018 by friends Tessa Baird and David Eland. We love the brightness of this house extension development model, and the fact that they have given credit to their sumer work experience student who helped make it.⁠

Reposted from @oebarchitects - always with permission⁠.⁠

"Elevation treatment responding to a series of client references showing their love of timber panelling. It accentuates key features of a traditional timber elements; the sash window, the porch and the plinth, working with a slipped form to create a contemporary addition to an East London terrace. ⁠

We were very happy to welcome @b3yzagorur to the studio for two weeks work experience this summer after her first year @uniofbatharch, who assisted project lead Dominic (@arch___ive) with the development of the model and initial designs."⁠

#architecture #londonarchitecture #domesticarchitecture #residentialdesign #extensions #timber #timbercladding #panelling #timberpanelling #paintedtimber #architecturalmodel #scalemodel⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

10 0
A lovely looking new house extension project in London from Liddicoat and Goldhill. Arches are really permeating through all aspects of contemporary British architecture at the moment - so many great examples of the form across different typologies and scale.⁠
Reposted from @liddicoatgoldhill - always with permission⁠
"Starting on site in Stoke Newington"⁠
#luxuryhouses #trustedadvisor #luxuryproperty #modernarchitect #hollywoodarchitect #londonarchitect #architecture #linteriordesign #liddicoatgoldhill #residentialarchitect #liddicoatgoldhillarchitects #awardwinningarchitecture #archilovers #architect #dezeen #architecturestudio #architecturestudent #artanddesign  #architektur #architectonics #architecturedrawing #moderndesign #buildings #minimal #decor #house #home #modern⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist⁠

A lovely looking new house extension project in London from Liddicoat and Goldhill. Arches are really permeating through all aspects of contemporary British architecture at the moment - so many great examples of the form across different typologies and scale.⁠

Reposted from @liddicoatgoldhill - always with permission⁠

"Starting on site in Stoke Newington"⁠

#luxuryhouses #trustedadvisor #luxuryproperty #modernarchitect #hollywoodarchitect #londonarchitect #architecture #linteriordesign #liddicoatgoldhill #residentialarchitect #liddicoatgoldhillarchitects #awardwinningarchitecture #archilovers #architect #dezeen #architecturestudio #architecturestudent #artanddesign #architektur #architectonics #architecturedrawing #moderndesign #buildings #minimal #decor #house #home #modern⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist⁠

7 0
A great candid photo of the sky lobby of a hotel in Colombo Sri Lanka by London based Balmond Studio, led by architect and artist Cecil Balmond OBE. We love perfectly formed architectural photographs, but we also love more natural looking shots too.⁠
Reposted from @balmondstudio - always with permission.⁠
"Welcome to the Sky!"⁠
@cinnamonlifecolombo Sky Lobby interior by @balmondstudio ⁠
#cinnamonlife #colombodesign #lobbydesign⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist⁠

A great candid photo of the sky lobby of a hotel in Colombo Sri Lanka by London based Balmond Studio, led by architect and artist Cecil Balmond OBE. We love perfectly formed architectural photographs, but we also love more natural looking shots too.⁠

Reposted from @balmondstudio - always with permission.⁠

"Welcome to the Sky!"⁠
@cinnamonlifecolombo Sky Lobby interior by @balmondstudio ⁠

#cinnamonlife #colombodesign #lobbydesign⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist⁠

10 0
This new extension to an historic building in Johnshaven by Aberdeenshire based Annie Kenyon Architects is on the way to completion. We like the simple juxtoposition in the related form of the extension against the cottage - and the generous amount of sky in the photo.⁠
Reposted from @anniekenyonarchitects - always with permission⁠
| Seaside Streetscape | ⁠
"Delighted with the progress from at our Johnshaven commission which sees the restoration of a listed building with a modern contemporary extension formed off the gable.⁠
We look forward to see the remaining elements completed as we head towards completion."⁠
#architecture #Johnshaven #listedbuilding #restoration #extension⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

This new extension to an historic building in Johnshaven by Aberdeenshire based Annie Kenyon Architects is on the way to completion. We like the simple juxtoposition in the related form of the extension against the cottage - and the generous amount of sky in the photo.⁠

Reposted from @anniekenyonarchitects - always with permission⁠

| Seaside Streetscape | ⁠

"Delighted with the progress from at our Johnshaven commission which sees the restoration of a listed building with a modern contemporary extension formed off the gable.⁠

We look forward to see the remaining elements completed as we head towards completion."⁠

#architecture #Johnshaven #listedbuilding #restoration #extension⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

8 0
A great looking new infill house project in London by Yellow Cloud Studio. Sometimes the planning process in London can be frustrating - we hope that this one has now been resolved!⁠
Reposted from @yellowcloudstudio - always with permission⁠
"A few months back we designed a scheme for the transformation of a derelict warehouse into a live/work unit. It has been stuck in planning for months, with an officer that doesn’t understand the location and its nuances, but refuses to visit the site and have a conversation. Providing new thoughtful and well designed living spaces in London seems to be a priority in paper, but the decision making authorities often lack skilled and cooperative people to work with studios towards the same goal!"⁠
#yellowcloudstudio #proposeddesign #warehouseconversion #liveworkspaces #londonarchitecture #walthamforest #improveplanning #thoughtfulspaces #redbrickfacade #industrialdesign #smalldevelopment #qualityoverquantity⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

A great looking new infill house project in London by Yellow Cloud Studio. Sometimes the planning process in London can be frustrating - we hope that this one has now been resolved!⁠

Reposted from @yellowcloudstudio - always with permission⁠

"A few months back we designed a scheme for the transformation of a derelict warehouse into a live/work unit. It has been stuck in planning for months, with an officer that doesn’t understand the location and its nuances, but refuses to visit the site and have a conversation. Providing new thoughtful and well designed living spaces in London seems to be a priority in paper, but the decision making authorities often lack skilled and cooperative people to work with studios towards the same goal!"⁠

#yellowcloudstudio #proposeddesign #warehouseconversion #liveworkspaces #londonarchitecture #walthamforest #improveplanning #thoughtfulspaces #redbrickfacade #industrialdesign #smalldevelopment #qualityoverquantity⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

12 0
Just a nicely detailed model of a new house extension project by Hackney and Norfolk based studio, Alexander Hills Architects - who pride themselves on a craft-led approach to their work and projects.⁠
Reposted from @alexander_hills_architects - always with permission⁠
wip #model of our house extension and remodel in North London in collaboration with @studiohako ⁠
#residential #house #design #architecture #timber⁠
#beedier #socialmediazeitgeist

Just a nicely detailed model of a new house extension project by Hackney and Norfolk based studio, Alexander Hills Architects - who pride themselves on a craft-led approach to their work and projects.⁠

Reposted from @alexander_hills_architects - always with permission⁠

wip #model of our house extension and remodel in North London in collaboration with @studiohako ⁠

#residential #house #design #architecture #timber⁠
#beedier #socialmediazeitgeist

13 0
A beautiful render of a new orangery extension by Dublin based studio Scullion Architects. Utilising the creative skills of visualisation specialist Nathan Hill, they have presented the proposal in a way that combines painterly expression with realism, but still reads as an architectural drawing.⁠
Reposted from @scullionarchitects - always with permission.⁠
"Interior view of our project in Dartry. The client's glassware collection utilized as a vitrine to filter the morning sun."⁠
Image by @nathanhillimage⁠
#architecture #interior #visualisation #orangery⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

A beautiful render of a new orangery extension by Dublin based studio Scullion Architects. Utilising the creative skills of visualisation specialist Nathan Hill, they have presented the proposal in a way that combines painterly expression with realism, but still reads as an architectural drawing.⁠

Reposted from @scullionarchitects - always with permission.⁠

"Interior view of our project in Dartry. The client`s glassware collection utilized as a vitrine to filter the morning sun."⁠

Image by @nathanhillimage⁠

#architecture #interior #visualisation #orangery⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

15 0
A circular economy call to arms from Dalston based Office S&M. The Tate Institute in Silvertown has been abandoned since 2007, and this consented planning proposal for the retrofit of the building for a mixed-use community space, will bring it back to life. Office S&M are seeking reusable construction materials for the development of the project, in liaison with the re-use team at re:new, a wonderful resource for promoting the circular economy.


"Planning Approved! But can you supply materials for this new community space?

The Tate Institute deep retrofit has been approved under delegated powers with no conditions thanks to your letters of support, and now we need your help to source unwanted construction materials for the build!

We’re already on site with the circular economy and natural material-led retrofit work on this locally listed building, so we’re on the hunt for large and small quantities of very common surplus or second-hand materials including:
- Insulation (PIR for the floor, any thickness of rigid or flexible woodwool for the walls and roof, and any thickness of rigid mineral wool)
- Structural timber and/or roofing battens
- Sand
- Rolls of DPM
- Internal doorsets
- Rolls of linoleum
- and much more...

Second-hand material sourcing is being brokered by by Re:New for @reinstate_project and @respaceprojects . Please email and and or DM us for any leads!

We have already been blessed with:
- 50 sheets of CLT from Populo Living @populoliving
- Medieval stone from the London Museum @wearelondonmuseum
- 70m of metal hoarding from Neilcott Construction 
- Gutters and downpipes from Berkeley @berkeley_group
- Sanitaryware and kitchen via Cundall @cundall_global
- Timber flooring from mining the existing building!

#circulareconomy #retrofit #naturalmaterial #officesandm #respace #newham #secondhand #architecture

@arberyproperties @officesandm 

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

A circular economy call to arms from Dalston based Office S&M. The Tate Institute in Silvertown has been abandoned since 2007, and this consented planning proposal for the retrofit of the building for a mixed-use community space, will bring it back to life. Office S&M are seeking reusable construction materials for the development of the project, in liaison with the re-use team at re:new, a wonderful resource for promoting the circular economy.


"Planning Approved! But can you supply materials for this new community space?

The Tate Institute deep retrofit has been approved under delegated powers with no conditions thanks to your letters of support, and now we need your help to source unwanted construction materials for the build!

We’re already on site with the circular economy and natural material-led retrofit work on this locally listed building, so we’re on the hunt for large and small quantities of very common surplus or second-hand materials including:
- Insulation (PIR for the floor, any thickness of rigid or flexible woodwool for the walls and roof, and any thickness of rigid mineral wool)
- Structural timber and/or roofing battens
- Sand
- Rolls of DPM
- Internal doorsets
- Rolls of linoleum
- and much more...

Second-hand material sourcing is being brokered by by Re:New for @reinstate_project and @respaceprojects . Please email and and or DM us for any leads!

We have already been blessed with:
- 50 sheets of CLT from Populo Living @populoliving
- Medieval stone from the London Museum @wearelondonmuseum
- 70m of metal hoarding from Neilcott Construction
- Gutters and downpipes from Berkeley @berkeley_group
- Sanitaryware and kitchen via Cundall @cundall_global
- Timber flooring from mining the existing building!

#circulareconomy #retrofit #naturalmaterial #officesandm #respace #newham #secondhand #architecture

@arberyproperties @officesandm

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

7 0
Henry J Lyons are one of four Irish architecture practices that appear in the Beedier Social Media Zeitgeist Top 100 listings. It is a large studio, employing over 250 people, but there is still room for smaller bespoke projects such as this timber clubhouse in the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel - bringing the guests closer to the woodlands.⁠
Reposted from @henryjlyons - always with permission.⁠
"Henry J Lyons’ design for the redevelopment of the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel provides nine lightweight suites and a clubhouse within a rejuvenated woodland. Our design concept centred on integrating modern elegance with the existing woodland environment. The suites, inspired by cantilevered and nest-like structures, were designed to preserve the natural topography while offering expansive panoramic views. Surprise elements are crafted throughout the journey to the units, and expansive picture windows greet guests with breath-taking views."⁠
#MontenotteHotel #HenryJLyons #ArchitecturalDesign #LuxurySuites #WoodlandRetreat #SustainableDesign #PanoramicViews #NatureInspiredDesign  #HospitalityDesign #IrishArchitecture⁠
#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

Henry J Lyons are one of four Irish architecture practices that appear in the Beedier Social Media Zeitgeist Top 100 listings. It is a large studio, employing over 250 people, but there is still room for smaller bespoke projects such as this timber clubhouse in the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel - bringing the guests closer to the woodlands.⁠

Reposted from @henryjlyons - always with permission.⁠

"Henry J Lyons’ design for the redevelopment of the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel provides nine lightweight suites and a clubhouse within a rejuvenated woodland. Our design concept centred on integrating modern elegance with the existing woodland environment. The suites, inspired by cantilevered and nest-like structures, were designed to preserve the natural topography while offering expansive panoramic views. Surprise elements are crafted throughout the journey to the units, and expansive picture windows greet guests with breath-taking views."⁠

#MontenotteHotel #HenryJLyons #ArchitecturalDesign #LuxurySuites #WoodlandRetreat #SustainableDesign #PanoramicViews #NatureInspiredDesign #HospitalityDesign #IrishArchitecture⁠

#Beedier #SocialMediaZeitgeist

3 0

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As well as publishing Beedier, our team at Woodburn Park Communications works with architectural clients of different scales, and through a diverse range of projects – from bids, to social media, awards, websites, books and films. Here is a selection of our recent client work…

Competition proposal for technology giant

Our Brixton based start-up client MOST Architecture, were invited to pitch concept proposals for the complete re-design of an exhibition centre in South Korea. We assisted with graphic design layouts, film production, architectural drawings, story-boarding and translation.

We are always on the lookout for great new clients, and interesting projects. If you need help or advice with your architectural communications and business development, then please get in touch:
