
Water is Coming
In a sensuous and poetic exhibition universe, the exhibition Water is Coming explores the relationship between water, people and nature in a rapidly changing world where, despite the seemingly bleak outlook, there is also hope and opportunity.
Water is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Rising sea levels and more frequent cloudbursts demand radical change in urban design and organization. Cities like Copenhagen, Venice and Jakarta are already dealing with the inevitable question: How can we adapt to the water instead of fighting it?
In the Water is Coming exhibition, DAC is seeking to create a deeper understanding of our dependence on water and the challenges it poses to our cities. The exhibition also presents different solutions for how we can live with water in the future.
In the exhibition, we focus on a future with rising water levels from all directions. Dive into current knowledge, bold visions, completed projects, extensive research, and historical perspectives. Be inspired by how citizens are adapting to a new daily life with water, and how scientists, architects, urban planners, municipalities, and organizations are working together to create solutions for our shared future with water.
7 October 2024 - 23 March 2025
Danish Architecture Center, Denmark
Adult exhibition ticket, DKK 115.00